GN AA-Register
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Official Passenger Equipment Register | 1 |
GN ad
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | advertisement | 6 |
GN Depot
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | St. Paul Union Depot | 2 |
GN dock
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | ore dock photos | 1 |
GN extinguisher
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | hot box fire extinguisher | 1 |
GN Goat
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Logo | 1 |
GN map
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | maps | 1 |
GN Minneapolis
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | GN Station | 8 |
GN Mural
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | mural in Minneapolis depot | 1 |
GN Passenger
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | | 6 |
GN roundhouse
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | photos of GN roundhouses | 5 |
GN shed
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | | |
GN Shop
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | | 1 |
GN Shops
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Shop buildings | |
GN station
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | station and depot photos | 55 |
GN StoneArch
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | aerial of Stone Arch in MN | 4 |
GN StPaul
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | aerial of St. Paul yard | 5 |
GN StPaulDepot
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | | 1 |
GN timetable
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | tmetable | 4 |
GN Tower
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Westminster, St. Paul | 1 |
GN Turntable
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Minneapolis | 1 |
GN 3
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | | 1 |
GN 8
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Steam heater car for passenger service | 12 |
GN 12
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Heater car | 1 |
GN 14
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Heater Car converted from F3B 430B | 2 |
GN 16
Other/Not Listed
| | | | | Heater Car converted F3B 306B | 3 |